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Website & brand designer

Being Creative 24/7

With 10+ years experience working in design I bring my creative approach into each brief I receive; being able to identify project goals and deliver to requested timeframes.

Animation 2006

For London Presentation

Requested by the director of our Italian based work placement company to create an intro animation for a presentation he was giving to students in London. I love the quirkiness I was able to add into such a short graphical piece but do please remember this was in 2006 and long before more sophisticated animation software was out there for artworkers, graphical work at the time was often quite basic. I do like to utilize modern software for any new project.

The finished animation was included in a PDF presentation given from a large screen projection. My design was based on “Southpark” style characters because Southpark was very popular at that time with students and young people.

Artworking, Graphic Design, Portfolio Tags: ,

Good design can add value to every project because it is the first thing customers will see from you, so add a mix of creative thinking to your recipe and 20+ years design experience; the ways you communicate hold the keys to your success.