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Website & brand designer

Being Creative 24/7

With 10+ years experience working in design I bring my creative approach into each brief I receive; being able to identify project goals and deliver to requested timeframes.

NHS Work 2006

A passion for design & technology

Covering my time working in the NHS, I was tasked to design and code a website including video and animation, video animation was still quite new to the internet.

Video heart scan data was included on the site.

Video was very young online in those days, (Youtube had only gone live in 2005).

Even with websites being more basic in those days you could still pack in a lot of good design.

Dreamweaver was our office coding software, Flash was used to encode video and animation, technology has moved on quite a bit.

A large part of my work was taken up helping the department software engineer build and test a new paperless records program built for multiple hospital departments.

The NHS has problems with paper based patent records – many long term patients have huge records that can no be physically in 2 places at a time and yet doctors often need to access these records simultaneously. I was very proud to be working on one of the first fully computer / online records systems. My work to get the system online and operational was highly commended by the dept Director. It is hard to quantify how much technology can help all people.

I include this work here because it taught me a few really important facts as mentioned briefly above but it also helped inspire me on to greater things.

Graphic Design, Portfolio, Website Development Tags:

Good design can add value to every project because it is the first thing customers will see from you, so add a mix of creative thinking to your recipe and 20+ years design experience; the ways you communicate hold the keys to your success.